How will you help me develop an evolved personal style?
I present you with well-researched, relevant options that resonate with your most effective expression. This allows you to see your choices in a brighter light. To bring out your most authentic, highly personal style, I present you with a combination of classic, modern, and ahead-of-the-curve styles, in a variety of price points, carefully chosen for you. I highlight your body shape, singular beauty, stated life goals, and deeply held values. I do not encourage buying frivolously — money, and where you spend it, makes an emotionally clarifying statement that will send ripples of resonance into your world. Evolved personal style means making better choices that inspire growth in and around you.
How do I imbue my purchases with constructive creativity?
I think that there is often this notion that modernization is inextricably and inescapably linked with this “sterilization” of the human experience. More and more, people are lifted out of poverty but often live a monotone existence where they are essentially beholden to the 9 to 5. Suburbs have become cookie cutter and devoid of character; companies, in an effort to reach as many people as possible, sacrifice the history and identity behind their products in order to make as much profit as possible. To me, the creative spirit, especially when combined with fashion and the creative industry, can be a turn away from such a derelict existence. Rather than living everyday like a mouse on wheel, conscious purchasing can open up windows into a world that is more connected and more in-tune with the wider roots of humankind. With the power of modern technology, rather than stripping life of its charm and beauty, creators are finding a multitude of ways to imbue their ventures and aspirations with their stories, identities and world-views. By shopping small, you support an entrepreneur who makes a vivacious effort to refute the dull echo of modern society. By supporting creators who impart of a piece of themselves into every product they make, we help to form a breathtaking mosaic that simply reverberates the majesty of the human experience. In a sense, it’s a way to combine your identity with the so many multitudes of experiences and histories this world has to offer. Thus, this era offers us the ability to choose to consume with purpose and with pride, acknowledging the simultaneous strains of identity we see all around us.
I want to support the Black Lives Matter movement for equality and justice. How will you guide me?
Anti-racism and all forms of inclusion amplifies your radiance, and is the heart of my business. I am committed to the voices, artwork and stories of the Black fashion community, acknowledging and highlighting Black talent in your curation. I will seek out Black designers and Black-owned brands so you too may support the 15% pledge. I firmly believe that peace and wellness start with each of us as conscious sentient beings.
How can I perfect my daily uniform to create a signature during this time of great change?
The holy grail! The first thing to acknowledge is that looking great is not effortless. My process involves creating your future self by setting intentions though conscious, thoughtful choices. We will respect your strengths and gifts, while inviting flexibility and open-mindedness, so that your uniform is sustainable and evolves with you through time.
I am working from home. Why should I invest in developing my personal style now?
It’s not just about clothes. It’s about people, stories, dreams, connections, and goes beyond the physical. What we wear says a great deal about who we are and how we want to fit in. Our outfits signal how we feel emotionally. But fashion doesn’t just reflect our inner selves; it can also have psychological effects that actually change how we think, feel and act. When we wear clothes that make us feel good, our stress levels are further reduced. The benefits of this are both physical and psychological, as noted by behavioral psychologist Professor Carolyn Mair PhD.
When we re-engage and see one another — from more than just the shoulders up — what will we want to wear? What will our post-crisis identities look like?
It’s going to be the emotional pull of recognition that comes from seeing a new way to cast your self. One that signals: “Yes, I have changed. Yes, things are different. Now we emerge in a new world.” Times of great trauma also produce moments of great creativity as we attempt to process what we have been through. The functional side of that is fashion. After periods of extremes — war, pandemic, recession — dress is a way to signal the dawning of a new age, as noted by fashion historian Vanessa Friedman.
How will this process help me perform better?
By engaging with what we’re wearing and consciously considering its symbolic meaning, we can change how we feel and even how we perform. Many people are now familiar with the findings of a study conducted in 2012 which found that simultaneously wearing a garment that was believed to belong to a doctor, as opposed to a painter, significantly increased the wearer’s attention to detail. The symbolic meaning attributed to the garment was that doctors are associated with attention to detail. We can bring this power of belief to our clothing by creating powerful associations between an item and its symbolic meaning. This may be an association of the item’s essence, its intangible inherent value or characteristic, or an associated memory. Either way, when we wear the item and simultaneously recall the symbolic meaning, our performance can be influenced.
I care about sustainability. How can I best work with what I have and make sustainable choices?
Timeless fashion is fashion that holds its value and can be worn and reworn. It can also be sold and resold. It does not become passé in a matter of days. Mindful targeting of missing links with natural fibers which are biodegradable will make your current wardrobe sing. Also, buying less overall and thinking more deeply about it means you will love it longer. Tailoring your well-made acquisitions is another favorite tactic to reinvent what you already own, which is less expensive and more sustainable than buying new. I will edit with you to hone a streamlined collection with clear advice on what to sell or donate.
Can you help with store discounts and perks?
Discounts and VIP perks are a fabulous benefit I offer. They happen on a case by case basis, especially with advance orders. Making smart, targeted purchases is the key to managing your clothing budget and I will get you on a wise plan that will be easy, and fun to execute.